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Your wairua/spirit does not exist in isolation.

Your wairua wellness or illness is inherently connected to other aspects of your life such as your physical wellness, mental/emotional wellness, your connection with family and those around you, and your connection with the wider environment that you exist in. If you are suffering emotionally, your wairua will also be suffering and likewise, if you are struggling to find meaning in life, this can impact upon your emotional wellbeing.

Credit: Image courtesy of Mental Health Foundation NZ

These pillars of life which need to be kept in balance to maintain your hauora/health are depicted in the Te Whare Tapa Wha model by Sir Mason Drurie

Looking after your wairua if unique to everyone but may include things like:

  • connecting with your spiritual leader

  • going for a walk in nature

  • spending time with loved ones

  • practicing mindfulness or yoga

  • reading poetry.

The Cancer Society have produced a useful brochure explaining what wairua is and things that you can do to tautoko/support your wairua. You can download the Spirituality Wairuatanga and cancer infosheet here.

You can also watch this short video that provides tips on looking after your wairua