GrantFormer GCF chair Grant tells us about his battle with bowel cancer.
Stories of hope

LynneLynne knows she is one of the lucky ones - not often a word associated with cholangiocarcinoma, a rare and aggressive cancer of the bile ducts.

NyreeNyree was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September 2017. Over six years later she has become a passionate fundraiser for pancreatic cancer awareness and support.

HilaryHilary was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in 2020, two years on she is focused on making memories with her family and wants to share her story with others to raise awareness of the symptoms that took her to the doctor.

RhysRhys contracted Hepatitis C from a blood transfusion after an accident. He was later diagnosed with liver cancer after a tumour developed. Here's his story.
Stories from whānau

BrionyMy relationship with Pancreatic Cancer began when my Dad Colin was diagnosed. Read Briony's story.

AndyWith both my parents diagnosed with cancer years apart, I wanted to raise awareness. Read Andy's story.

KellyOn a follow up appointment in July, Dad was given the unexpected news… this was cancer. Read Kelly's story.

BrookeMy Nana was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which she then also found out it had spread to her liver. Read Brooke's story.

Louisa & LisaIf you’re having frequent problems with chest pain and difficulty swallowing and you’re just being sent away with antibiotics, get a second opinion! Read Louisa & Lisa's story.

KirstenKirsten’s husband James has taken the time to write Kirsten’s story to help raise awareness of the symptoms she experienced and her journey with stomach cancer. Read Jame's story.

SeanSean's parents bravely share his story to help raise awareness of Cholangiocarcinoma, a rare form of gut cancer in the bile ducts of the liver. Read Sean's story.
To find support groups in your area, see our pages on:
Patient Support Groups | Rōpū tautoko tūroro
Carer Support Group | Rōpū tautoko Pou Āwhina