what is an announcement bar

Joining an event, or making your own event, is a great way to support cancer research whilst having fun and meeting people dedicated to the same causes as you. 

On these pages you can find more information on fundraising days and sporting events happening in your area. You can also read stories about other people’s fundraising events and get tips and tricks on how to set up your own successful fundraising event.

Fundraising Tips

Tīwhiri kohi pūtea

Although the rearea is a small bird it can ascend the lofty heights of the Kahikatea tree

Itiiti rearea, teitei kahikatea

Creating your own event can be lots of fun. To help you make it as successful as it can be, we have provided some tips to help you along the way.

Decide what type of event you would like to create

  • look on the internet for ideas and ask friends what events they have enjoyed

  • once you have an event in mind, discuss it with other people to gather their thoughts and opinions as to whether they think it will be popular and supported by others.

Plan your event

  • research similar previous events for ideas on how to make it a success

  • ask family and friends to help you organise the event

  • create a fundraising target

  • consider how people can make donations.

Ways people can make donations

  • sponsorship form

  • cash donation

  • online bank transfer

  • via a fundraising website.

Fundraising page

Jump on to our Gutsy For Gut Cancer website to create your very own, personal fundraising page.

Promote your event

Think about how you will get the word out about your event. The more people who know about it, the more people who are likely to support your event with donations of time, resources or money. Options you might want to consider are:

  • local community newsletter

  • asking friends and family to spread the word

  • leaflets

  • emails

  • adding a post to your social media.

If you have any tips that have made your event successful that you would like to share with others, contact us here and we can share them on this page.

Meet our Fundraisers

Ō mātou ringa hāpai

Feathers are required to enable a bird to fly

Mā te hurhuru ka rere te manu

The dedication and support from our fundraisers enables essential research into cancers of the gut to continue. Through their efforts, breakthroughs are made to increase survival rates and improve the quality of life of those living with cancer.

We are incredibly thankful to all our fundraisers and their continued support. You can read about some of their stories here.