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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us.

Your privacy is important to us.

We respect your right to privacy and your right to view and update the information we hold. The Gut Cancer Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy when you visit our sites or contact us. We only collect personal information where this is necessary to carry out our functions. You do not have to provide your personal information to us. However, we may not be able to effectively provide you with services or carry out our functions if you do not provide us with the information we need.

We may collect personal information about you either directly from you or from third parties such as contractors, service providers, and suppliers who are acting for or on behalf of us, in accordance with the Privacy Act and Health Information Privacy Code 2020.
We may generate additional personal information about you when we carry out our functions e.g. we may note a phone call with you in our systems.
The Gut Cancer Foundation also supports the Code of Practice for Direct Marketing in New Zealand

We collect personal information from you, including your:

  • name

  • contact information

  • location

  • computer or network

  • interactions with us

  • giving and purchase information.

Personal information collected from this website, or as a result of direct mail campaigns, will be held by The Gut Cancer Foundation of Level 17, 191 Queen Street, Auckland 1010

We collect your personal information to correspond with you by letter, email, text, social media, or phone in order to:

  • provide you with services and products

  • seek and receive donations from you

  • engage you as a volunteer

  • engage with you at our community events

  • respond to communications from you, including feedback or opinions

  • process your application for employment with us

  • invoice you and collect money that you owe us

  • undertake research or statistical analysis (on an anonymised basis)

  • comply with health and safety policies (when you visit our premises)

  • use it for any other purpose authorised by you

  • use it for our own internal business purposes including record keeping, reporting and improving/enhancing our services, activities and systems.

We will keep your personal information for as long as we need it for these purposes, or to meet other legal requirements.
Providing some information is optional. If you choose not to enter a phone number, email, or address, we’ll be limited in how much we can engage with you. You can choose what type of communication you would prefer to receive, and you can opt out entirely at any time. We keep your information safe by storing it securely.
We only share extremely limited data with external service providers for the sole purpose of delivering The Gut Cancer Foundation’s interactions with you. However, your data is not sold, rented, or swapped with any organisation. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you. And you can ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you would like to ask for a copy of your information, please contact us at info@gutcancer.org.nz or 0800 112 775.


Besides collecting information directly from you, we can also obtain personal information from third parties such as fundraising providers or data aggregators where you have authorised them to do so.

Your personal information will only be used by us to:

  • engage with you as a prospect or current donor including to respond to your enquiries, communicate with you, and provide you with information that you have requested

  • provide you with other information (including about the work of the Gut Cancer Foundation and other opportunities to contribute through volunteering, events and fundraising campaigns). We will provide this to you by mail or phone unless you have explicitly requested to opt out of such forms of communication by mail or phone. We will send you emails or text messages if you have explicitly agreed to this

  • improve and enhance your experience as our donor

  • inform our own internal business purposes including record keeping, reporting and improving and enhancing our fundraising, services, activities and systems.

Your personal information is stored in dedicated Fundraising Management Systems.

Only staff who require access to your personal information to provide our services and administrative support staff have access to these systems.


You may browse and access information contained within this website without providing personal information.

In addition to the information collected about your use of our website (see below), we collect personal information submitted by you through forms on our website including when you are:

  • donating to us using our donation form (for more information on Donors see above)

  • signing up to our newsletters.

Google Analytics and cookies
We collect statistical information about your visit to our websites to help us improve it via third party tools such as Google Analytics.
Through those tools, we may collect the following:

  • your IP address

  • search terms you used

  • pages you accessed on the website and the links you clicked on

  • date and time you visited the website

  • referring website (if any) through which you clicked through to our website

  • your operating system (e.g. Windows XP, Mac OSX)

  • type of web browser you use (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox)

  • other incidental matters such as screen resolution and the language setting of your browser.

No effort is made by us to identify individual visitors.

You may opt-out from having Google Analytics collect your information by disabling cookies in your browser, or by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out browser add-on.

We will use the information collected via these analytics tools to:

  • understand how our website is being used

  • gain insights about how we can improve the functionality and user experience of our website

  • understand browsing behaviour to give you a better experience whilst visiting our sites.

This privacy policy was last updated June 2021.

Donate to GCF today

We appreciate any support you can give to help fund clinical research and raise awareness of gut cancers.